– For illustration purposes only –

Project Title –
Senior Citizens Residence Project. (A 5-storey building with 44 residential units.)

Project Costs – $22 million

Location – 869 Clinton Avenue, Newark, NJ 07108, USA

Project Status – On-going.

Source of Funding –Combination of equity, debt and government grants and financing.

Government Project Information Form

  1. Project Title:
2. Brief Project Description: City, State, Number of Units, is it Commercial, Reisdential or Mixed Use Property?.)
3. Status of The Project:
4. Project Owner:
5. Which Ministry in Government:
6. Name of the Minister:
7. Address of the Project:
8. Phone Number:
9. Email Address:
10. Email Address:
11. How will the Project be funded?
12. Can Government Issue a Sovereign Guarantee? If not, What type of Collateral is the Government Offering?

Documents Required:

For Govenrment Deals, all documents requiered will be in a case by case basis.

Choose File

What type of Collateral being offered? (Land and the Project itself not acceptable especially from least develop or developing countries)

For highly urbanized Cities or Municipalities, it will be a case-to-case arrangements.

Project Completed By
Additional Information